Underdevelopment – Beta Version
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Project Status Project Title PI Last Name PI First Name PI Affiliation Project Description Start Date End Date Co-PI Last Name Co-PI First Name Co-PI Affiliation Research Theme Funding Source Award Amount MSU Award Number Current NGI File Number
Active GOES-R Convective Initiation Product Support Mecikalski John UAH Improved convective thunderstorms prediction that provide advanced notice of heavy rain, high winds, More ... 8/1/2020 2022-7-31 0:0:0 Coastal Hazards CH NESDIS $77,895.00 191001-363513-4H 21-NGI3-129
Active Support to the Mission, Growth, and Impact of the Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) Mickle Paul MSU The Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) collects, analyzes, and makes publicly a More ... 10/1/2021 2026-9-30 0:0:0 McGuinn Robert MSU EM-DM NESDIS $219,084.00 361481-191001-021000 22-NGI4-31
Active Support to the Mission, Growth, and Impact of the Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) Program Mickle Paul MSU Exploring the deep ocean for national benefit is the mission of the NOAA Ocean Exploration (OER) pro More ... 10/1/2021 2026-9-30 0:0:0 Ecosystem Mgmt, Coastal Hazards, Climate Effects NESDIS $243,376.00 361477-191001-021000 21-NGI4-10
Active Enhanced Coastal Data Development and Information Services: CEDAC Moorhead Robert MSU The Coastal Ecosystem Data Assembly Center (CEDAC) is being developed as a resource for scientific d More ... 7/1/2017 2022-6-30 0:0:0 Mickle Paul MSU EM-DM NESDIS $1,231,122.00 363532-191001-021000 17-NGI3-35
Completed Enhanced Coastal Data Development and Information Services: Scientific Support for Partner Agencies Ashby Steve MSU Scientific support for partner agencies was provided by the Northern Gulf Institute (NGI) through ex More ... 7/1/2017 2019-9-30 0:0:0 EM-DM NESDIS $1,040,770.00 363533-191001-021000 17-NGI3-38
Completed Calibration and Validation of NOAA VIIRS Ocean Products for Monitoring Oceans Arnone Robert USM The on-orbit calibration and validation of satellite ocean products was established for the VIIRS (V More ... 10/1/2016 2019-12-31 0:0:0 EM-DM NESDIS $374,004.00 191001-363513-3D 18-NGI3-51
Completed Bayesian Merging of GLM Data with Ground-Based Networks Bitzer Phillip UAH Calculations for tropical cyclone intensification was sought by researchers using a product that mer More ... 8/1/2017 2020-7-31 0:0:0 CH-CE NESDIS $237,918.00 191001-363513-4C 19-NGI3-85
Active Information Services Project Support Mickle Paul MSU The Northern Gulf Institute provides broad data services/support, data development, and data steward More ... 10/1/2022 2026-9-30 0:00 Ecosystem Management, Data Management NESDIS $1,162,246.00 364067-191001-021000 22-NGI4-38