Underdevelopment – Beta Version
Displaying 1 - 10 of 11
Project Status Project Title PI Last Name PI First Name PI Affiliation Project Description Start Date End Date Co-PI Last Name Co-PI First Name Co-PI Affiliation Research Theme Funding Source Award Amount MSU Award Number Current NGI File Number
Completed Improvements to Surface Wind Speed Estimates in Tropical Cyclones Holbach Heather FSU Wind speed at the ocean’s surface influences hurricane forecasts by the National Hurricane Center (N More ... 10/1/2021 2023-9-30 0:0:0 Coastal Hazards OAR AOML $89,864.00 191001.361472.01A 21-NGI4-03
Completed TDR Surface Wind Reduction Holbach Heather FSU The tail-Doppler radars (TDR) on NOAA hurricane hunter aircraft collect data, specifically spatial c More ... 6/1/2021 2022-7-31 0:0:0 $105,972.00 191001.363513.01J 21-NGI3-127
Completed Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes Bourassa Mark FSU Air-sea interactions with fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum serve as indicators of change in re More ... 10/1/2021 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Smith Shawn FSU Climate Effects on Ecosystems, Coastal Hazards OAR CPO $64,933.00 191001.361472.01C 21-NGI4-04
Completed U.S. Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Assembly Center (SAMOS) Smith Shawn FSU Meteorological data from U.S. research vessels are being collected and monitored for quality control More ... 10/1/2021 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Data Mgmt DM OAR GOMO $225,381.00 191001.361472.01B 21-NGI4-07
Active Assessing Ecosystem-Based Management Practices and Science-Informed Decision-Making in the Gulf of Mexico Ernst Kathleen FSU Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an approach that resource managers have growing confidence in as More ... 8/1/2021 2022-5-31 0:0:0 EM-DM NOS $33,365.00 191001.363513.01K 21-NGI3-135
Completed Determination of Movement patterns and Reproductive Status of Adult Smalltooth Sawfish (and Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks) Grubbs Dean FSU The endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinate) and the reduction or prevention of their morta More ... 10/1/2021 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Ecosystem Management, Coastal Hazards NMFS $70,492.00 191001.361472.01D 21-NGI4-08
Completed NOAA Fisheries and the Environment (FATE): Development of Environmentally Driven Larval Mortality and Age-0 Abundance Indices for a Suite of Coastal Pelagic Species in the Gulf of Mexico Morey Steve FSU Estimates of fish abundance from age 0 through larval stage have been associated with a high degree More ... 7/1/2019 2021-6-30 0:0:0 EM-CE NMFS $44,436.00 191001-363513-1G 18-NGI3-52
Completed Modeling Climate Impacts on Fish Larvae Mortality in the Gulf of Mexico Morey Steve FSU Estimates of fish abundance from age 0 through larval stage have been associated with a high degree More ... 7/1/2017 2020-6-30 0:0:0 CH-CE NMFS $138,252.00 191001-363513-1F 18-NGI3-41
Completed Hurricane 3-D Wind Structure Analysis Using Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer Surface Wind Measurements Bourassa Mark FSU The Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) is the primary tool used for collecting aircraft-b More ... 10/1/2018 2020-9-30 0:0:0 CH-CE OAR $97,909.00 191001-363513-1H 18-NGI3-53
Completed Further Refinements to Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer Surface Wind Measurements in Hurricanes Bourassa Mark FSU The Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer Surface (SFMR) is the primary tool used for collecting ai More ... 10/1/2016 2019-9-30 0:0:0 CH-CE OAR $223,736.00 191001-363513-1A 17-NGI3-32