Conference Presentation
Quest towards cleaner ocean: integrated application of science, capacity development and advocacy to the management of marine plastic pollution
Nyadjro, E. S, R. Quarcoo, A. Saba, J. Collier
Ocean Decade Conference
Ocean and Ecosystem Support
22-NGI4-39, 23-NGI4-61
Conference Presentation
Towards Enhancing an Inclusive and Equitable Ocean: with examples from our summer school in West Africa
Nyadjro, E. S. and B. K. Arbic
Atlanta Workshop NASEM
Ocean and Ecosystem Support
22-NGI4-39, 23-NGI4-61
Conference Presentation
The NOAA NCEI Global Marine Microplastics Database and Web Map
Nyadjro, E. S., J. Webster, G. Kaltenberger, T. Toft, Z. Wang, Y. Lau, T. Boyer, K. Larsen
Ocean and Ecosystem Support
22-NGI4-39, 23-NGI4-61
Conference Presentation
Accessing and viewing data from the NOAA NCEI Global Marine Microplastic Concentrations database using an ArcGIS Online Experience Builder web application.
Webster, J., E. S. Nyadjro, G. Kaltenberger, T. Toft, Z. Wang, Y. Lau, T. Boyer, K. Larsen
Ocean Sciences Meeting
Ocean and Ecosystem Support
22-NGI4-39, 23-NGI4-61
Journal Article
Skilled sub-basin forecasts of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity
West, R., Lopez, H., Lee, S.-K., Kim, D., Mercer, A. E., Foltz, G. R., & Wang, H.
ESS Open Archive
Advancing seasonal outlooks of landfalling hurricanes for the U.S. Atlantic
Journal Article
Skilled sub-basin forecasts of Atlantic tropical cyclone activit
West, R., Lopez, H., Lee, S.-K., Kim, D., Mercer, A. E., Foltz, G. R., & Wang, H.
ESS Open Archive
Enhancing the Forecast Skill of Seasonal Hurricane Outlooks