Underdevelopment – Beta Version
Displaying 21 - 30 of 69
Project Status Project Title PI Last Name PI First Name PI Affiliation Project Description Start Date End Date Co-PI Last Name Co-PI First Name Co-PI Affiliation Research Theme Funding Source Award Amount MSU Award Number Current NGI File Number
Active Public Engagement Support and Metadata Tool and Training for the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (GCERC) Mickle Paul MSU The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (GCERC) funds projects and activities aimed at restorin More ... 9/1/2018 2022-8-31 0:0:0 EM-DM OAR $142,631.00 361454-191001-021000 NA18OAR4170438
Active Coastal Science Research, Data Development, and Information Services (Base Award) Moorhead Robert MSU Enhanced data stewardship, products, and services for NOAA programs that help link science to applic More ... 9/1/2018 2022-8-31 0:0:0 Mickle Paul MSU EM-DM OAR $7,303,353.00 36541-191001-021000 NA18OAR4170438
Active HPC Support for OAR (Includes Phase I, II, and III) Breckenridge Trey MSU NOAA depends on high performance computing (HPC) for its missions, one being to conduct environmenta More ... 10/1/2017 2023-9-30 0:0:0 Data Mgmt DM OAR $32,587,728.00 361451-193000-02100 NA19OAR4590410
Active Underwater Glider Operations and Science in the Gulf of Mexico: A Public-Private Partnership Howden Steve USM Underwater gliders are increasingly involved in routine, innovative, and emergency data collection i More ... 9/1/2018 2022-7-31 0:0:0 Ecosystem Mgmt EM NOS $964,466.00 191001-363513-3J 19-NGI3-93
Active University of Southern Mississippi Mapping Center Connon Brian USM Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) provide a safe and efficient method for data collection for hydrogra More ... 10/1/2016 2022-7-31 0:0:0 EM-CH NOS $4,567,569.00 191001-363513-3A 18-NGI3-58
Active Assessing Ecosystem-Based Management Practices and Science-Informed Decision-Making in the Gulf of Mexico Ernst Kathleen FSU Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an approach that resource managers have growing confidence in as More ... 8/1/2021 2022-5-31 0:0:0 EM-DM NOS $33,365.00 191001.363513.01K 21-NGI3-135
Completed Hypoxia National Office Support Mickle Paul MSU Monitoring the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone helps advance the science that underpins its management b More ... 10/1/2021 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Ecosystem Management, Coastal Hazards NOS $155,860.00 361476-191001-021000 21-NGI4-09
Active Regional Geospatial Modeling (Includes Grant 2019) Cartwright John MSU The promotion of geospatial technology to improve coastal communities is the goal of the researchers More ... 10/1/2016 2024-9-30 0:0:0 EM-DM-CH NOS $21,367,305.00 340572-191001-038000 NA19NOS4730207
Active GOES-R Convective Initiation Product Support Mecikalski John UAH Improved convective thunderstorms prediction that provide advanced notice of heavy rain, high winds, More ... 8/1/2020 2022-7-31 0:0:0 Coastal Hazards CH NESDIS $77,895.00 191001-363513-4H 21-NGI3-129
Active Support to the Mission, Growth, and Impact of the Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) Mickle Paul MSU The Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) collects, analyzes, and makes publicly a More ... 10/1/2021 2026-9-30 0:0:0 McGuinn Robert MSU EM-DM NESDIS $219,084.00 361481-191001-021000 22-NGI4-31