Underdevelopment – Beta Version
Displaying 31 - 40 of 69
Project Status Project Title PI Last Name PI First Name PI Affiliation Project Description Start Date End Date Co-PI Last Name Co-PI First Name Co-PI Affiliation Research Theme Funding Source Award Amount MSU Award Number Current NGI File Number
Active Support to the Mission, Growth, and Impact of the Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) Program Mickle Paul MSU Exploring the deep ocean for national benefit is the mission of the NOAA Ocean Exploration (OER) pro More ... 10/1/2021 2026-9-30 0:0:0 Ecosystem Mgmt, Coastal Hazards, Climate Effects NESDIS $243,376.00 361477-191001-021000 21-NGI4-10
Active Enhanced Coastal Data Development and Information Services: CEDAC Moorhead Robert MSU The Coastal Ecosystem Data Assembly Center (CEDAC) is being developed as a resource for scientific d More ... 7/1/2017 2022-6-30 0:0:0 Mickle Paul MSU EM-DM NESDIS $1,231,122.00 363532-191001-021000 17-NGI3-35
Completed Determination of Movement patterns and Reproductive Status of Adult Smalltooth Sawfish (and Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks) Grubbs Dean FSU The endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinate) and the reduction or prevention of their morta More ... 10/1/2021 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Ecosystem Management, Coastal Hazards NMFS $70,492.00 191001.361472.01D 21-NGI4-08
Completed Video and Imagery Data Management for Fisheries Assessments Mickle Paul MSU Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being employed to help make digital media, that were collected for f More ... 10/1/2021 2024-9-30 0:0:0 Prior Jack MSU Data Management, Ecosystem Management NMFS $137,508.00 361478-191001-021000 21-NGI4-11
Active Continuation of Secure Archival Storage for NOAA/NMFS Preserved Specimens at USM's Plankton Archival Facilities Mojica Kristina USM The archival and storage of plankton samples for the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Progra More ... 4/1/2017 2023-7-31 0:0:0 EM NMFS $86,179.00 191001-363513-3E 22-NGI4-20
Active Evaluation and Improvements of Tornado Detection Using Infrasound Remote Sensing: Comparative Analysis of Infrasound, Radar, Profiler, and Meteorological Data Sets, and Potential Impacts on NOAA/NWS Knupp Kevin UAH Improving tornado detection is the goal of researchers who are examining the effectiveness of infras More ... 10/1/2018 2022-7-31 0:0:0 Coastal Hazards CH NWS $480,941.00 191001-363513-4F 18-NGI3-59
Completed Operational Data Impact Assessment and Support for Atmosphere River Reconnaissance Moorhead Robert MSU Atmospheric River Reconnaissance (AR Recon) missions provide data, visualization, and web support to More ... 10/1/2021 2023-9-30 0:0:0 Wu Keqin MSU Coastal Hazards NWS $160,000.00 361479-191001-021000 21-NGI4-12
Completed Geospatial Analysis of Deep-Sea Environments using ROV Video Data with the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) Skarke Adam MSU Video data of the Gulf of Mexico seafloor are collected by NOAA using the remotely operated vehicle More ... 9/1/2019 2021-8-31 0:0:0 Freeman Jacob MSU Data Mgmt DM $19,190.00 363547-191001-021000 19-NGI3-79
Completed NOAA Fisheries and the Environment (FATE): Development of Environmentally Driven Larval Mortality and Age-0 Abundance Indices for a Suite of Coastal Pelagic Species in the Gulf of Mexico Morey Steve FSU Estimates of fish abundance from age 0 through larval stage have been associated with a high degree More ... 7/1/2019 2021-6-30 0:0:0 EM-CE NMFS $44,436.00 191001-363513-1G 18-NGI3-52
Active Advancing Bioinformatics Infrastructure with Standards, Workflows, and Databases Thompson Luke MSU ‘Omics and bioinformatics tools support marine systems studies, NOAA missions, and the sustainable u More ... 10/1/2020 2022-9-30 0:0:0 Mickle Paul MSU EM-DM OAR $188,063.00 361459-191001-021000 20-NGI3-112